In gratitiude for all the hard work I have done preparing for his little birthday celebration AND for the past five years of unrelenting love, my son gave me a gift---

Aren't I lucky? Actually, he first tried to blame it on Lauren (2.5) who was armed with a crayon. But evidence pointed to Ben who was (after all) holding the pen, and oh, and he can write!
After he realized that I had him cornered...he gave me a big hug and said "I love you, Mom."
For some reason, this worked....probably because today he turns five and I know his crazy behavior will not last forever and because I have Mr. Clean magic eraser which takes almost anything off anything and because I didn't want to harm him first thing on his birthday!
I am sure he will do something else incredibly dumb tomorrow and we can go back to time outs as usual---but not today!
When my son was 4 1/2 he asked to take his nap in Mommy and Daddy's room, partially because the men were bailing hay (we live on a farm) outside that window and he could watch until he got sleepy. He had just learned to write his name in all capitals. Later in the day, carved in the window sill in 3" letters was the name"PHILIP". Daddy sternly asked him several times if he wrote his name in the window sill and he denied it. We pointed out that he was the only child in the house and that it was his name and that only he and Mommy had been home, so it had to be him. He then said, "But you asked if I wrote it in the sill. No, I didn't. I carved it with my "fangs". Huh??? Then we just had to laugh. He had had his two front teeth knocked out in a fall and indeed had fangs. I can just picture his little mouth carefully carving each letter in our window sill. Philip is 25 years old now and we left that in the window sill. He has been very, very ill in the past few years and those memories are so precious. Wipe it off, but keep that picture!
And a big hug to Mommy today! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Atleast he wrote your names very nice and neat*:)!* That is pretty impressive for a 5 year old as I have some students that are 5 who still have difficulty writing their own name.
That is too funny! Happy Birthday Ben! Katie
Wow he can write really well for a five year old. Enjoy those special years when he does something wrong, gets in trouble and still tells you he loves you. What a great story. Those years don't last for long.
Dawn B.
Enjoy it now! All too soon the times of spontaneous hugs dwindles and you become a cave dweller whom they don't want to be seen with! Not cool at all! LOL
heheh Thats too cute !!! And so true They grow up way toooo fast!!!!
Holy cow that is funny. I love the "blame it on the chic who can't write" bit!! Clever...but not too clever! I loved Donna's story too. How funny. I am so sorry he is ill now.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Yeah, he gets a free pass today. Especially with the "I love you."
Now why the heck did that make me cry? Too cute.
Hey, this looks like my house, LOL! Yes, that Magic Eraser is a wonderful thing . . . but it WILL NOT remove ink pen from a leather sofa, trust me! Hope Ben had a wonderful day, now scrapbook that photo!
His penmanship is impeccable!!!! What an endearing story!!!!
Happy Birthday to your son! ROFL! He sounds like quite the character!
One smart kid - that love part always works, doesn't it?? Too cute.
you can punish for writing on the door, or applaude his neat penmanship and spelling. a stern "paper only "is probably going to do the trick. ah ,we all have these memories, and the story will be told till the day you die, for he wrote it on your heart! {treasure it!}
Too cute! That's right up there with the toys in the bakeware cupboard! LOL Such endearing memories - you'll be so fond of them as the years pass by:) TFS
OMG Cammie,
I so remember those days. Your right the MR. Clean Magic eraser is so wonderful. I just discovered them this past summer. Great for the wood trim too!!!Enjoy your sons birthday!! The years do go by fast.
I feel your pain! LOL Thank goodness for those "Magic Eraser's"!
Happy Birthday to your sneaky little Ben. He sounds a lot like my Joshua who is now 13. My Ben is 11 and is usually the one Josh blames! Lol. Siblings!
Your blog reminds me of my entire time with my boys growing up. They aren't quite done, 13 & 10. But the things you say are my life for sure. My Mom always would remind how these are the best days of my life. I called her one day after discovering my 3 year playing in the yard. He had found a dog turd and was sculpting it like clay! EEEWWWWWW!!! So I had to take him in and give him the scrubbing of his life. Then I called my mother and said....remind me how these are the best days of my life!! UGH! LOL
It will get better. ;)
Happy birthday!
lol...sounds like my house. My son draws/writes on EVERYTHING. He just might be my creative child. Gotta love them:)
Happy Birthday wishes to your little man.
MJ Albright
Ah yes, I remember the days when Brianna was learning to write and her favorite letter - of course - was B. There were B's everywhere...the 80 yr old hand stained wood and door trim in our bungalow...the birth certificate...good times. Happy Birthday Ben!!!! ANd hugs to a patient Mommy!
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