"Your blog....please refrain from placing pictures of my boy in frilly gold ruffles" (See post directly below this one!)
Oopsie....forgot he could access my blog from half way across the world!!! Hmmmmm.....might have to have some fun with this! (grin!)
I apologize that I did not address the events that took place at Ft. Hood on Thursday on my blog. I had a post all typed and ready for Friday and did not go back to change it. I didn't realize so many knew that was our home base. Thanks for your concern.....We live off post and my husband is currently serving in Iraq so he is safe. (Go figure....safer there than at home!)All of our friends on post are safe. Please keep all those families who have been directly affected in your prayers.
Did you see the new Pure Innocence line from My Favorite Things? Awww.....total cuteness. I just love them all. I used My Balloon for this card and coupled it with a fun ribbon sun. I think the sentiment is just so sweet.

Thanks for stopping by!
HA! :)
Super cute card!!
Well I think your little slap on the wrist is hysterical! Why are men like that anyway? I mean, what's a few ruffles around the boy's face gonna hurt? LOL!
I am just LOVING the new Pure Innocence line from MFT. And you've done a great job with that adorable little girl here. Love your sun too...so cute!
I did not know your husband was based out of Ft. Hood, but I am glad to hear you and your family are safe.
Please tell your husband I think his boy looks cute in gold frills!
Cammie you and your husband made me laugh....now really we know that only a Man's Man could pull off all that gold! HoooRahhh....When my hubs started a job that he had to travel extensively for I purchased him flaming yellow luggage tags....At first he was not too happy but over the last year and a half he has said that they are great because not many other people have them and he is able to identify his luggage very easily even at the large airports! LOL
that was funny,lol.Great card!Glad to hear you are safe and prayers that you will stay safe too.
Such a cute card. Very funny about the gold ruffles comment. So glad you and your family are safe, what a terrible situation.
Just like a man.... instead of seeing the gorgeous ornament he thinks of frilly golf ruffles. (grin) I thought it was brilliant!
Your card today is adorable. Love that ribbon sun. I am keeping all those effected at Fort Hood in my thoughts and prayers. And your DH too. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
LOL Cammie... I read your post to my RETIRED service man and he went. "WHAT???? She didn't?!" then I showed him he ornament an he said... "Ohhh ok... welll... I suppose THAT'S ok, but green would have been better." LOL LOL I love your ornament too!!! I bought that Pure Innocence set.. she is adorable!!!
Cammie, that is funny. Poor hubster. I am glad he is in Iraq where he is safe instead of Texas. That just sounds so wrong. My heart goes out to all involved. You just never know, do you?
this image is absolutely adorable...am going to have to check that new line out....
funny bit on the tags
Yep, my dh would have said the same thing! Not into frills at all for his boys :o) You certainly can have a lot of fun with this though...LOL!
Your card is just adorable and love this new line of stamps from MFT!
Funny that you were "busted" by the hubster! Your Pure Innocence card is adorable. My nephew is there at Ft. Hood. He is safe and sound, but it sure can be scary though.
Cammie, for once I am happy to say I am glad your husband is in Iraq. I have a son working on the Ft. Hood base. He lives in Killeen and spent 24 yrs in the service. The last years he was stationed at Ft. Hood. He was retired about two years ago, but works for a contractor on the base, so he was in lockdown during the incident. I am so happy to know that my son and your husband are both safe! My prayers are with the families of those who died or were injured.
Just wanted you to know I loved the ornament with your son's picture too. He is really good looking, must take after your handsome husband. I love everything you do!
Of course I live your card, but more importantly I was thrilled that you guys were safe. It is such a tragedy, so unnecessary.
So glad your family and friends are safe Cammie! Such a tragic event.
Love your card!! This new Pure Innocence line is simply adorable!! xx
I think that your ornament is awesome! I love that you put your son's photo in it.
Your card is adotable and I have to say that I think the little girl stamp is so dang sweet.
Just tell your hubby that real men CAN wear any color and it's a ornament for goodness sake!! Glad all is well in your world. Your card is so sweet!
Men...I didn't think this was frilly at all, (but alas, I am a girl). I guess you better put your son's pic in a plain square frame. The Pure Innocence stamp is adorable, great colors!
Your card is super cute! I am so glad your hubby is safe! HUGS!
That is too funny...I can only imagine you falling out of the chair laughing at his comment...to funny! Glad you are safe and sound...what a frightening day it must have been for all of you.
LOVE your card. These images are just too cute!
First off glad to hear you are all ok at Ft Hood that was awful to hear about that on the news. Too funny that your husband gave you a "slap on the wrist". I thought you frame was cute, I would not have said anything about it. Go figure men would think of that! LOLOL! Great new stuff from MFT, fabulous card!
All the best, stay safe!
Now, frills as ORNAMENTS are acceptable! LOL!! (My DH would have FREAKED....actually, my boys would have FREAKED if they saw an ornament with a bow...that is why they have "their" tree and I have my own!! BWHHAAA!!)
Glad to hear that you were all safe. Keeping EVERYONE that serves in thoughts/prayers
Love your sun!! My brain just never thinks of such cute embellishments! (oh yeah. It's ribbon. Me and ribbon have decided to see if a separation will bring us back together again(snort)
So glad you and your family are safe, Cammie. So sorry to hear of this tragedy, though. Hugs.
*please refrain from posting the boy in gold frills*....LOL, that cracked me up!
Adorable card, Cammie!
I am SO glad to hear that everyone is safe!!!!
I ADORE your card! It is SO precious! The colors are fab and so is that sunshine! :)
that is TOO funny!
This is so adorable! LOVE the sun you have created, the dimension is amazing!
Hugs~ Kim
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