For those of you who can hack it...I just had to share what my youngest child did last night. I *think* I am finally over the shock of it.
I was double bathing the youngest two. Had my seven year old son in one bath and my 4.5 year old daughter in my bedroom bath.
I left her to go wash my son's hair (I know, not really supposed to do that but I feel they are both old enough to handle a few minutes alone....)
After washing his hair, I returned to do the same for her. She had a strange look on her face... One I have seen too many times.
Me: Lauren, what did you do?
Lauren: Nothing.
Me: Lauren, I KNOW that face. You know I will find out so you should just tell me.
Lauren: Promise you won't get mad?
Me: (internally groaning knowing this will be good) Yes, I promise.
Lauren: I am sorry, I had an accident.
Me: (Frantically looking around the tub for anything) You did? Where...I don't see anything. Maybe you just thought you did. (Please. Please)
Lauren: No I did.
Me: Where?
Lauren: I put it in there (Pointing to the jets in the tub.)
Me: (Oh Crap! Literally. Counting backward from 10.) Ok honey. Next time don't do that. It is fine to have an accident now and then but it is not ok to "hide" the evidence.
That.....was not fun. Luckily, only 1 jet was involved.
Ok....if I made you cringe at that. This will make you laugh. I found this in my son's folder today. If you are not familiar with the Black Eyed Peas it might not make sense. If you appears that he was trying to write some of the lyrics to their songs but got sidetracked a few times with some popular first grade rhymes:

..................And the week has only JUST begun!
Thanks for stopping by!
What a laugh!!! LOLLL Thanks for sharing :))
OMGosh!! LOL!!!! Do I need to come and help? :) Well maybe just to sit back and watch the entertainment!! Love you!!
OMG ... you sure have your hands full, girl! The bathtub story is definitely one for the records and I think you little guy has "rock star" status in his future! (love his take on the lyrics!).
Sooooooooooo funny...I remember my son once when we went camping, after a long hike to the lake as soon as we get there he says "I have to pee"...of course NO bathrooms, so I said "just go in the lake"...I look over and he is doing just that, standing peeing in the lake..not quite what I had in is 37 now and will kill me for sharing this...haha, makes it even better!!! You have to right this stuff down and use on them later...a great way to start my morning wiuth a good laugh!!!
Too funny...Ummm new sented bubble bath next time perhaps??? Sorry I couldnt resist!
Diane COoper
Oh Cammie.....the priceless moments in their little lives are the most precious aren't they!! Both of your kidlets have had me laughing out loud tonight.
Hoping your next solo-parenting moments are less eventful. xx
oh sweetie! I feel your pain on those times! But that "note" is hilarious!!!
You made my day, Cammie! I was reading this while I was talking to Dee on her way to work. We laughed until we cried. Bless you and I hope the rest of your week is uneventful. LOL!
lol....and it's only Tuesday! Kids are so much fun. Sounds like you are a very calm momma! Thanks for sharing these stories with us, I'm laughing out loud, and the poor dog is looking at me with her head all cocked sideways wondering what she did that's so funny! will never be able to turn on those jets again without thinking about DD!
too funny!Both of your kids ,lol I'm sure it wasn't so funny when you found out ,lol .
All in one gosh ....I'm still laughing and I'm sorry...but I really did need'll tell this story for years to come......
Cammie: You sure do give me a good laugh in the morning, these are stories you save up for the boyfriends/girlfriends. Hope today is a better day and there's no stopping up the jets!
Oh my, Cammie - you sure do have your hands full, don't you? LOL!! Your stories always bring a smile to my face.
OHHHHH!! I'm not laughing at you....with you!!! BWHHAAAAAA (I'll spare you the story about DS's accident....let's just say I'm glad I'm not the one who had to deal with the trash can at the resturant!!)
OMGosh, I'm rolling on the floor! LOLOL. I hope the rest of the week is uneventful.
I love it!! Brings back a million memories of my years raising 8! Wish I had a blog to remember it all! Thanks for sharing some of your "Blessings"! I needed a laugh!
LMBO....oh that moment when they ask, "promise you won't get mad" KNOW it won't be good. Great stories. Nice writing by your son - boobies, boobies - too much!!
And I thought it was gross when my 2 year old grandson shared his booger with me today LOL...ah to put my life into perspective!
LOL Oh I would NOT be happy with that one... I love my jetted tub. hee hee Hope this week goes fast and less drama. lol
I enjoyed reading every bit of your story. I had a good chickle at what your son had written down on his paper. Have fun. They stay young for such a short time.
Oh what a start to your week. It sounds like you're in for some real fun. Just remember to take a deep breath and count to 10 backwards. I have to remind my self of this almost daily. LOL Hugs.
Great memories, Cammie. And that's what they will be. Something to laugh at as you look back. I do remember when my DH went to work for a month in Alaska and left me with our three. I will never forget that period of time. But htose things pass by too. Hope your week progresses better!
Hugs to you (you might need them)
Love your blog, visit it constantly. But I rarely, if ever, comment. Today, however, I just HAD to. Thank you for sharing your solo parenting adventures! It is go to know that I am NOT the only one with super creative kids.....I will never look at a whirlpool bath the same again......ever!
Hang in there!!
Note to self, children not to bath in jetted tub....tehehehe. but seriously OMG (as my daughter would say) I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I am still giggling over your son's song writing that is just too cute!! Oh and it is super funny seeing boobies written in kid writing, I haven't experienced that one yet with mine, but I know it's on it's way. Take care!!
I am cracking up at your son! ...dirty knees, look at these...I laughed out loud! Now, your 4.5 year old, sounded so familiar. Not as messy of a story, but my DD pulled a good "hide the wet undies", when she was little. Thanks for the grins :P
ROFL! Speechless and more importantly - PRICELESS! Thank you God for parenthood - life would be so dull and boring without it - and I would be stuck in my own selfishness even more so than I already am! :) Extra prayers for you this this week Carolyn! Enjoy the ride! :)
Holy Crap! (hee-hee) That's just unbelievable! Promise you'll document every incident this week. Promise? PROMISE!
Okay - I shouldn't laugh but poop in your water jets - guess you can be happy she told you before it just dried up and really caked them up... Funny, Funny Funny.... Boom Boom Boom
ROFL!!!! Thanks sooo much for sharing, it totally made me laugh and think about all things our kids do to make our hair change color, LOL!!!!! Boom Boom Pow *giggle*
Great story!! Especially since I am just reading and not cleaning it up. thanks for sharing!
OMG! That is hysterical! And she's completely your daughter. For sure.
OMG. The Black Eyed Peas translation totally made my day! How funny! If I were a teacher I would LOVE to find this.
Okay, seriously I so needed that today! Your kids are gems Cammie!
Oh, I could just die laughing! This is all so innocent and hilarious! Don't kids make life interesting? Great moments!
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