Time to say goodbye (at least for awhile).
My family is gearing up for our LAST move...we will be all packed and ready to go by the end of the month and so I need to put the craft stuff away and close down the blog for awhile. There are so many emotions right now.....
I *think* I will be back. I cannot imagine my life without making some sort of paper crafting project. But...I have no idea in what capacity that will be yet.
The next few months will give me the time to get situated, spend time with my family and get the kids settled in their new home and life. It will also give me time to reflect on where I want this to go...if anywhere.
Right now, I am excited about the lack of pressure and deadlines. I am excited to have nothing I HAVE to do. I am excited to be removed from the cattiness that has marred some of the joy I once felt to just create.
I am also excited about THIS----->
Three years ago my first card was published. I will NEVER forget the joy and sense of accomplishment I felt when getting that email while on vacation.
This month the new Card Creations Magazine goes on sale and I am DELIGHTED that one of my cards was chosen for the cover. It is the "Missing You" map card on the bottom right. I have only had one other card on a magazine cover before and it was itty bitty so this is special. I am sure I will frame it.
Thank you so much for all of your support and kindness over the years. I hope to be back.....if/when the time is right.
I'll miss you but will be thinking good thoughts for your move and your break. If it is meant to be, you'll find your way back and if you do, I'll be waiting. :)
I sure hope you will be back, Cammie. I speak for many of your fans out there. :-) Congrats on being the Cover Girl, so well-deserved!
But, I truly understand that family comes first. Enjoy your new home and I'll be praying for the transition. What a blessing to be closer to your family! Big hugs from Croatia...
Will miss you! Hope the move goes really well and your family settles in without any difficulties. Congrats on the cover! Woot! Love that card.
Good luck on your move....and enjoy your family....perfect card for the occassion...perfect timing! I am sure you will be back, how can you not, its in your blood to create, you have way too much talent not too, and am not sure what cattiness you have had to endure, but like my mamma always said..."consider the source"...lol.....but know we all care and love ya!!!!
Thanks so much for all you have taught me, a novice paper crafter:-) I have enjoyed you & your blog so much. Wishing you happiness in your new journey & I hope you find your way back here!!
*sniff sniff* I hope you come back. OMGosh I miss you so already!! I feel like we were neighbors when we were sooooooooo far apart and I just have you so deep in my heart and I will NEVER let that go! You relax... enjoy your family and be safe!!! LOVE YOU Dear Cammie!!!
Oh you're gonna make me cry! I'm about to make some of the same decisions soon. Haha. Anyhoo, best of luck in the move! :) We'll have to get together sometime, if not just for coffee! :)
Oh and congrats on being a cover girl! :) How exciting for you!
Oh Cammie, I sure hope this will be a short hiatus. I just saw yet another card by you in Papercrafts, and said to my hubby..."I know her!" I feel so privileged to see your creations, get to communicate with you even just a bit through your blog (and feel very blessed when you've posted to mine). The crafting community is better because of your Alzheimer card drives. Best of luck to you.
Thank you for sharing your talents and creativity! It is you and others like you who inspire the masses out here to move forward with our craft. You will be missed but I send prayers for a pleasant and safe move and warm wishes that you will find your niche again! There's always a plan...we just have to be patient.
Yea for you, Cammie. Congrats on being a cover girl. You have provided much information/inspiration for me, and I would hate to see you quit blogging. So, have a great move, take care of kids and family, refresh and come back. I will miss you.
First...a big congrats 'cover girl'!!! You deserve it! Second...enjoy your time away for the deadlines - it can be a rat race sometimes! Third...enjoy your family and take this special time to be grateful for all God has created and the blessings you have - smell those roses! Fourth...please know that you will be missed and hopeful that you will be back - doing only what you want with pleasure and freedom!
Jan Castle
I'm sending wishes for a safe and problem-free move! I'll miss seeing your beautiful creations here!
Enjoy your time with your family, free from deadlines! May your new life be happy and full of blessings! You deserve only the best!
Congrats on the cover! Big hugs, friend! :)
I wish you all the best in your move and spending time with your family. Congrats on being a cover girl - it's a fab card. And thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for opening my eyes to the cares of the caregivers of Alzheimers patients. I was glad to send out cards in support of your card drive and I hope you'll continue that with us. {{{hugs}}} to you as your embark on new adventures. come back to us...we'll be waiting for you.
Good luck with the move and congrats on the cover!
I didn't realize you were contemplating not coming back to crafting/blogging. But if you do decide to...I'll be here! Enjoy the time with your family and getting situated.
Oh Cammie! I just can't imagine the paper crafting world without you!I know I don't comment everytime,but be assured that I always stopped by!
I understand however that you need to put the time into your family right now. They are the MOST important thing in the world! And deserve your undivided attention!
I hate that you have been dealing with the cattiness! That makes me so sad. Another very talented crafter recently said the same thing. Why does this have to happen? And it makes me hope that I am not supporting these people who do these things!
Well Congratulations on the cover of the magazine! I cna only imagine what that must feel like! Even just to get something published! What a dream! But to then get on the front cover! WOW! You definetly should frame it,and hang it in your NEW craft room! Do you already have it planned out!? :D
Well I hope to still see you on FB???
And when you come back I will be waiting as well!:)
I will keep you and your Family in my prayers for a safe and easy move.And that you may receive many Blessings to help with this transition.
Blessings and Hugs,
P.S. Congratulations to your Husband and the Military for getting Bin Laden!! I would imagine there was a sense of Joy and relief last night when the news came!!
thank you for sharing your art...you have always been such a inspiration for me...best wishes to you and yours...see ya soon, to hope.
Yay... Cammie, congrats on being the cover girl! :) I sure hope you'll come back to crafting. Some people just catty, but they shouldn'y stop you from sharing your works. You're an amazing card maker. All the best for your new adventure at your new place. Best regards.
You will be missed and hope that the move goes very smoothly for you and your family. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and say ta-ta for now for I feel you will be ever present in the paper craft world. Safe travels!
Have a wonderful "break" with your family moving is never easy. You are so super talented and you are for sure "cover" worthy, congratulations and I so hope you will be back!
Dear Cammie! I will miss your beautiful creations... I hope your move goes smoothly and your family has an easy transition!!
God bless you, chica! You will be missed.
Cammie, I will miss you!
Wow,Cammie, really going to miss your cheery blogging, as well as all your inspiration. I will think of you every time I see my little Oopsie Bear stamps set. Having recently retired from my job as a church secretary, where I had weekly (bulletins) and montly (newsletter) deadlines, I fully understand your feelings about no deadlines. Enjoy the time with family, may your move go smoothly and safely, and may you settle into your new surroundings quickly. Really hoping to see you back here in the future, even if it's only as one of us 'for fun' crafters and bloggers. Congrats for being published! Wow again!
Love, blessings, and God speed.
Cammie, safe travels to you and your family, and this is just a thought, but if you don't come back, and keep getting published, how will I be able to tell my friends I "knew" you before you were famous! This is a time of great changes and you are truly blessed to have this opportunity to sit back and review! God speed!
Good luck on your move and enjoy your new home. Congrats on your cover page! I do hope you come back after you're settled and feeling refreshed.
Good luck & have fun! I hope you will be back & I will be here waiting with open arms & a BIG HUG to welcome you back! I will miss you.
I will be in Texas on the 19th for a week visiting my niece. I hope it won't be too HOT, it's my first time visiting Texas.
Cammie, I have really enjoyed receiving your blog. I wish you all the best with your move. Enjoy your summer w/your kids, and when it comes to crafting, just follow your heart. Be well! Cheers!
Congrats on the cover. That's fabulous!
Good luck on your move. I pray it goes smoothly with minimal moving drama.
I will miss you. I will understand if you decide to stop blogging and just craft for fun. Selfishly, I hope you come back...and quickly. ;-) Please do what's right for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your creativity this long!
Cammie, The Best of everything for your family. When you find yourself out-of-sorts....it will be because you are not creating. I went through a time..not a move but a loss and You will know when to get busy doing something that you like to do for yourself. Again Best wishes and THANK YOU! Pat Baulos
Congratulations on your magazine cover! Thanks for taking the time to share your talents with us. I hope this is just so long and not farewell. Good luck in your move and getting settled in a new location.
Wishing you all the best. I hope you and your family enjoy your new home and new state. Congratulations on having your card published on the FRONT cover!
I'm so sad, but also excited. I will miss your posts and beautiful creations. :o( But at the same time I can feel where you're coming from and I'm excited for you and all the wonderful things coming for you in the next couple of months. I DO hope you'll return, but in the meantime, relax and enjoy everything that comes along, especially time with your family. That can never be recreated! Hugs and smiles to you, Sharon :o)
Wishing you the very best of luck! With all your talent I csn't imagine you will stay away forever...I hope not. Enjoy your family and your quiet time.
Good luck to you and your family Cammie. Congratualtions! Being on the cover of a magazine is so exciting. I hope you will come back to blogging. We will all miss you. :)
Good luck with the move and enjoy your time off! Always important to take some time to center yourself and your family! I will keep up with you on FB and hope to see you back on your blog sometime in the future! Travel safe!
Hello Cammie,
I wish you and your family all the very best for your big move - it's a huge thing to uproot your family and move so far away, but great to be closer to family. I hope that everything will go smoothly for you.
Thank you for all of the inspiration and enjoyment you have given to me and many others through your blog - I hope you will be back before too long. I will be waiting to see that email come though my inbox once more.
God bless,and best wishes.
Anne - dinkuminkum at yahoo dot co dot nz
Dear Cammie,
Wishing you a smooth move and much joy in your new home.
Good for you that you are taking the time that you and your family need to get settled, and to figure out your next steps.
I have enjoyed your creativity and your blog and wish you God's many blessings in the days and months ahead.
Best wishes for a stress free move! You'll be close to me! Well, on the other side of the state, but, you know...! It's always nice to take a break from your hobby to re-align and regroup, especially since you are moving your craft stuff. You can get excited again by putting everything out and organizing it. I hear you on the cattiness. Such a negative thing for a fun hobby. :(
But, regardless, you will be missed! And I hope you come back to the blogging world!
Erin Smetak
Good luck on the move and transition!! I hope to see you blogging and sharing your beautiful work soon. Whatever brings you joy- that is what you should be doing ! Good luck!
Good luck on your move and getting everyone situated. Will miss you and your blog. Keep us update every once in a while to let us know you are ok. I have learned so much from your blog and love your work. Take care and God bless you all in your new journey.
Cammie -
I'll miss you and your posts, but completely understand that family takes priorty. Wishing all of you well in the move and settling in to your new home. I do hope you chose to come back to us and blog, you are such a talented and giving artist.
Elaine Allen
Best wishes on your move.
Congratulations on your publication. Congratulations on this being your LAST move! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you come back to your blog because if you don't, I'll surely miss you and your wonderful and oh so inspiring artwork. And your stories. All the best to you with the move and please DO come back to your blog.
Congratulations, Cover Girl! You will be missed in the blogging world, so I hope you will return when you are ready. God bless you. Big hugs.
Good luck and may your journey be safe and full of all the good things life can bring- hope to see you back sometime in the future- congrats on making the cover it looks great
Congratulations on everything, the cover, time to spend with your family, the last move! How exciting for you. Wishing you the best and we will miss you and your creations.
Cammie, I just want to thank you so much for all your sharing over the years. I might of been in the background, but I've appreciated everything you have done. I wish you and your family all the best in your move and your lives. Congratulations on being a COVER GIRL!! Well Deserved!!
in my heart,
Oh Cammie! First of all congrats, you go Cover Girl! Good luck with everything a move is huge in itself. I'm sure you will be back in some capacity but take it easy and do what you can when you can!
All the best and good luck!!!
I will certainly miss your creative inspiration. Although I haven't left a comment every time I've visited your blog, rest assured that you have provided much needed inspiration to this beginner! I wish you the very best in your move and I pray everything will go smoothly for you. Congrats, too, on having your card on the cover of Card Creations! How exciting! And the perfect card for this time in your life. I hope to see you back here soon, but take the time you need with your family. As you are, they too are #1!
I'll miss all of your crafty goodness, so I hope you'll be back. Just a regular crafter like me would be fine. You don't have to be on all of the design teams, just say no if you need or want to. Good luck with the rest of your move. You will all be in my prayers, take care. ~hugs, Lori~
And congratulations on the cover!
Cammie, I will miss your bits of creative influence that I so look forward to each and every time I read your blog. I am wishing you safe travels to your new home and wish you the best. Take a little time for the three R's (rest, reflection and rejuvination)and then hurry back to us! We need you in our world! {{{hugs}}}
Good luck on the move and have FUN with the new adventure ('cause that is a waaaay more exciting way to look at it!! hehe)
I will so miss checking your blog, but you know what? I'm so glad that you feel ok about walking away right now. Take the time to enjoy what comes! Sometimes it takes walking away and looking back to realize that the grass IS still green!!
good luck to you. i dont know you well and only been following you for a short time, but i love your creations. i am sure when the time is right you will know and i will look forward to seeing you again.
Cammie, wishing you the best of luck on your move and hoping that you will return to stamping when the time is right for you. So excited to see you as a cover girl!
Oh Cammie, good luck with your move and my best for your new home! I do hope stamping fits into your schedule someday...I will be watching for you!
Cammie: Congrats on making the cover!!! I send with you best wishes and hope that you enjoy your new home. I will be looking out for you to come back and share more inspiration. Hope you have a wonderful new adventure!!!
You will be missed Cammie! Hope your move goes well and that you and yours will be comfortably settled soon. Big congrats on your publication - making the cover is truly momentous! I look forward to when you come back! All the best!
Dear Cammie, I feel as though I could write a book at this point. First and foremost - CONGRATULATIONS on everything you have accomplished to date and those accomplishments yet to come. I've loved your blog and truly hope you'll come back if/when it's the right time for you. Your creativity has been wonderful. Sharing your family has been a fun adventure. The visibility you gave to Alzheimer's touched my heart as so many of your notes I could relate to, having lost my mother to this dreadful disease almost 5 years ago (has it been that long). Sometimes it was hard to read about your experiences with alzheimer's, but also heartwarming as I'd been down that very road, and I was so glad to see how you were handling it. Family and friends always come first - blogging can wait. Be safe and be happy. And don't worry about those catty people - some people just have nothing better to do...and they don't count when you're remembering those who have touched your life. Hopefully you'll save email addresses and if you get settled in and realize how much you miss us (lol), you'll send a mass email and let us know you're back. Take care. casmiles@hotmail.com
Sweet Cammie! Take all the time you need. Moves are times of change. I think it is wise to take a break and re-evaluate things. Take care my friend. Hugs.
Cammie, I just wanted to add my thanks for all the inspiration you have given me over the years. I will miss checking your blog, but I am excited you will be spending more time with your wonderful family. Good luck with whatever you do, but I hope you will be back inspiring us again!
Hey Cammie, I don`t write many comments but I am always on your blog, I will miss you. Hope everything goes well, take care and I hope you return when the time is right. Huge congratulations on the cover story ! Hugs
OMGoodness Cammie, I hope you come back soon! I'm sure gonna miss your posts! Congratulations on being on the cover of the magazine! You sure deserve it!
I'm receiving your posts via email so whenever you are back I'll be sure to know it! Be safe and most of all be happy. Enjoy every moment of your time with your family. (((hugs)) to you all.
Congratulations on the magazine cover. . .that is AWESOME! What an awesome way to "step out" for a while, although, I will really miss you and your beautiful creations! BUT I'm excited for your move and can't wait to meet you! I hope everything goes smoothly! Sending you BIG HUGS!
Good Luck in your new Journey. May you have fun, learn new things, enjoy your family and new friends you will meet. Will miss you!
Good Luck Cammie! I will miss your colouring skills! Enjoy your new journey, and we will perhaps see you later, refreshed and recharged!
Oh I so hope you do come back Camster! Miss ya already! But I fully understand what you are saying, and wish you and your family all the best in whatever you choose to do. Love ya! hugssssss
I wish you and your family the best for your preparations for the move, the move itself, and getting settled in your new home. And I'll be awaiting your return to blogging!!!
Hi Cammie,
Good luck with your move and enjoy your time away. I know exactly what you are saying...but I hope you will come back...because you will be missed!!!!
Karen x
Best wishes for your upcoming move, Cammie! Hope your family's transition goes smoothly. You'll be missed in blogland! Congrats on the cover, too!! Sending love and hugs!
Well it's been far too long since you and I have chatted, but I've always been on the lookout for what you've been up to whether in magazines or on-line! You were my first friend on Splitcoast and I will never forget you, your talent, genorousity, humor, friendship and beauty as a person! Enjoy your break from 'the craft' and I do hope to see you back one day when you're ready! I wish you and your wonderful family the best!
With sincere hugs and smiles,
Totally understand the need to step back and focus on the big picture for a while. You've got lots going on, and it's going to take a while to get in a groove. But I hope you're like me and can only stay away so long. Regardless, we're keeping in touch, and you know I love you will all my heart.
(((((Cover Girl!))))) Sending good vibes for a smooth move and easy time settling in!
Wishing you all the best!!! I hope your move goes smoothly and God Bless you on your way to your new home. I hope to be reading your blog again once everyone is settled in.
Good luck & have fun, Congrats on the cover, too!!
I wish you the very best in everything that you do and I hope that you will be back once you are all settled in. It would be a true shame to lose your talent that you so generously shared with us.
May God Bless you and your family on your new move and keep you safe and happy!
Congratulations on having your card published on the cover of Card Creations! What a wonderful send off to your new beginning. Please remember no matter how long it may be, we (your fans and supporters) will welcome you back with open arms.
I hope that any 'catiness'you experienced, will not hold you back from enjoying and sharing your talent. People like that only do it to make themselves feel better about themselves, and are just jealous. Your true friends wont be that way and will celebrate in your accomplishments and talent.
No Goodbye, but instead a.... See you soon! Whether it is on your blog or on the cover of another magazine!
Best wishes to you and your family Cammie as you settle into your new home. Just want to say thank you! You were very supportive and great inspiration to me when I first started stamping.
Hey gf....don't forget to keep in touch in some way.......and, of course, ENJOY your 'downtime'.....although I have a feeling it will be 'uptime' with family and a new home......I wish you the smoothest of moves, a wonderful new neighborhood with lots of friendly families, a fast and easy transition for your kids into their new schools and friendship circles, and the knowledge that you are closer to family in miles than before
AND, selfishly, I hope you will share your talents with us once again.....and your friendships....
but I truly do understand and feel sorry for the negative/cattiness of some that take the pleasure out of things.....And the fact that no deadlines is an awesome thought...
hugs, giggles, and best wishes
OHHHH! Congrats on the front cover--and I LOOOOOOOOOOVE that card you made! No wonder it was on the front cover!! I'm sorry that you are going to be MIA for awhile--I hope you will come back:) Blessings to you and your family!!
Love you. Vaya con Dios :) xo
Cammie I only wish I had met you sooner. It has been so fun following your blog. You helped inspire me to get back to scrapping after a few years of not being able to due to health reasons.
It has been a pleasure having Cara at the house. She is a riot. I know Jayna and Jessica are going to miss her a lot.
I want to wish you the smoothest of moves and selfishly hope to see you back so I can continue to see all your creations. It's a shame that some people have made things unpleasant for you with their cattiness.
Congratulations on making the cover of Card Creations Magazine!! You should be proud and definitely frame that cover!
Well, so long for now. I hope to see your creations again. Maybe I will see you before you leave, but if not, travel safely and enjoy your down time with the kiddos.
Congratulations on being on the cover, Carolyn! And good luck on your move. Even though I know you have done it many times, each one brings adventure, enlightenment, and most of all, change. I hope the transition goes smoothly for everyone, and that you are able to find, at your core, that which will make you happy. I am, of course, hoping that you return to paper crafting!
Much love,
Just have to say how much I love the map-card you made that moxie fab Cath is showing today!!!
Oh, Camster....my heart just sank when I read that you weren't sure about returning to sharing your love and talent for card designing. You are so gifted and have shared so much of your talent and life with all of us. We all certainly respect and understand the priorities and decisions you must make for yourself and your family. You have been and always will be a sweet friend.
I was also saddened to read about the cattiness. You and I go a long way back to the early days of Splitcoaststampers and being on CCEE together. How anyone could ever be catty about you, I can't understand except for the fact that there are always those who are jealous of exceptional people like you. I mean, look at all the catty remarks the American Idol contestants have to put up with. You are our American Idol, my friend.
Congratulations, too on being featured on the cover of Card Creations Magazine! I have always been honored to say "Cammie is my friend" whenever I pointed out your published cards to my other friends.
Best wishes to you, sweet girl. I hope we'll stay in touch no matter what you decide.
I can't believe this is only your second cover, you are more Covergirl than anyone I know! congrats!! I remember when you made this card!! :) huge hugs!!!
I just wanted to stop by & tell you I've been thinking about you & miss ya. Wish we could have seen each other more than the 2 times we did while you were in TX. You have accomplished so much, I am so proud of all your accomplishments - congrats on this cover and yes, frame it! Of course, family comes first in addition to your well being and I totally can relate to the no deadline feeling, every once in a while I get an itch for that. Big Hugs friend!
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