Sunday, March 21, 2010

....Um...Perhaps I spoke too soon...

Just found this shoved under my bedroom door: A note from my son Ben (7), written in the throws of a massive temper tantrum that says , "Mom your the wersed mom in the universe."

Ouch! That is even "wersed" than being the worst mom in the world. Nothing like ending break on a *good note.

Well....two happy kiddos out of three ain't bad! (smile!)


Tammy said...

Feel for you. My 8 year old always tells me I'm the "worst mom ever" when he is mad at me. Thankfully a hug usually follows about an hour

Tammy M

Unknown said...

:) from the mouths of babes....
{too funny!}

Basement Stamper said...

Cammie, this is too funny (sorry you had to go through that though!). Love the letter stuck under your door, nice of him to write it out and leave it for you.

Sheri said...

Love it! You HAVE to keep it and show it to him at his wedding rehearsal dinner. LOL. I used to tell my girls, you'll be mad until you get glad. Didn't help, but it made me feel better.

Maren said...

That is hilarious!! :) Ahh...boys... :)

Deb Neerman said...

LOLOLOL, tooooo funny, Cammie!

Ya got scrapbook this, or better, do what Sheri ^ sezs!

maliburita56 said...

I can't tell you how many of those type of notes I received from my now 23 year old daughter when she was growing up.

I think I might have kept a couple of them so I could put them in her scrapbook so she would have them to reflect on when her children write her notes like that.

Rita Kern

Amber Hight said...

Oh that must really hurt the heart but make you giggle at the same time, knowing that he doesn't really mean that:) YOu should totally keep this and show him when he grows up, I'm sure he'd get a kick out of it;)

Tina said...

Awwww *HUGS* Cammie. You tell him how much WE love you!!! Poor thing... LOL

Betty said...

I had that title a few times too. They get over it.

Create It Simply said...

Only the best are good enough to be called the worst ;) (((hugs)))

Unknown said...

Too freakin' funny! Save will be able to use it someday! :)

Sew Club said...

LOL - too funny! I'm sure you're not really the wersed. I guaranee there are moms that are much werse that you! :)

StampinDi said...

I think we have all been there at one time or another.

thestampinglady said...

It is one of those been there done that moments--. What a great scrapbook opportunity--to tease him with in later years. As Art Linkletter would say: Kids say the darnedest things.

Maria said...

OH MAN! Sorry to hear that. Mine just turned 4 today and I don't look forward to that. I hope all is well by now!

Latisha said...

save that note and make a layout with it :)
It did bring a smile to my face, it is funny.

Shelia said...

Making wonderful memories.

Casmiles said...

You definitely have to keep that note, Cammie. Years from now when you show it to him, he'll never believe he wrote it. Hopefully 5 minutes after the note was delivered, he was "loving" his mom again. And, another way to look at it is you can change the meaning of the word (wersed) to whatever you like...since it's not the "worst". Hang in know he really does love you.

Gloria Westerman said...

Frame it and put on the kitchen or den wall......then wait until he is ready to take it down.....I promise it won't stay there long....hugs going your way....

Erin Smetak said...

Oh my gosh, you HAVE to keep that!!!!! What a laugh he'll get when he's older! LOL! Aren't kids just great?! You never know what they will come up with next!!!!

Merilee Lane, Where Life is But a Dream said...

How cute is that?!? I learned early on that being a good mom means not always winning the popularity contest. Rest assured that this can only mean you are doing your job. ;o}

carole (TruCarMa) said...

Oh, Cam -- that is too, too funny! You know that officially makes you a GOOD Mom, don't you?! Love ya, sister.

Debby said...

Kids are fun,lol though it doesn't always feel like that when we get these notes,lol.We've all been there.Keep it ,he'll have a good laugh one day when you'll show it for him.

Diane said...

Too funny, I am impressed he could spell universe at 7...that's worth something right there!!! Maybe you go on that dumb show where they switch out Mom's, bet he would change his mind in a hurry...LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Oh My!!! they didn't write a song about "2 out of 3 ain't bad" for nothing!!! As others before me have said, if you scrap this note, it at least will make you feel better!!!

Bonnie Weiss said...

I bet, in his mind, the next few words would have been ...." but I love you anyway".

Dawn Easton said...

LOL! I thought I was the only mom to hear that...hehe

Christy Farneth-Kerr said...

OMGness!! How cute is that little boggier:)Oh I just know that is going to happen to me too. Motherhood it's a blast LOL

Silke Ledlow said...

He, say the darnest things right?!? Wait till they turn 10 will hear worse...LOL!!! Big hugs to you ~S~

Deborah Anton said...

Welcome to the club sista! : ) Big hugs!! Miss you!

Anonymous said...

When my son was little, and Im talking under 5 and he was upset with me over something, He asked me for his wallet. WhenI asked him why He responded that he needed to walk up to Family Dollar and buy a new mother,,his was not working out to well. LOL I remember at the time feeling a little stung over that.

Margo said...

Oh man, I feel for you, as I have had notes like that as well. I remember when my son was six, he was in the bathtub, and wrote with the tub crayons - "you suk mom, and dad roks". ouch!

Starla said...

Ahhhh, the joys of motherhood!! hehe!!

Louise Fox said...

Cammie, When your kids are in their 40s as mine are, these will be the memories you cherish! This is a wonderful note, because it says you are really parenting! Blessings, Louise

MeZAndEMakes3 said...

Awww! Poor Cammie! Zoie (my 3 1/2 year old) hasn't said that yet... just that, "You're not my best friend anymore, mommy!" I think you are a great mom though! :) and now you have something fun to scrapbook! lol

Whimsey said...

Crud - LMBO!!! I've had a few of these notes left on my pillow or night stand too. :D

Hang in there; you're a great mom!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww... I think we all thought this at times as kids when we didn't like the rules or something else! Then you grow up and realize you had the best mom of all. It's just a kid thing, tc.

Alex said...

Man, have I been there!! Funny how we can go from the best to "worsed" in no time at all, LOL! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Cat Tidwell said...

bwahahaha! This is so hilarious! yes, it is worse that worse, rofl! Well, I think you are the BESTED! LOL! And that's better than BEST!

A Consuming Passion said...

Oh dear!!!! I'm sure you didn't know if to laugh or cry!
You have to keep this little give him when his first child arrives!!!!

Sue from Oregon said...

I can feel your pain, but it still made me will actually treasure this years down the road!

Sonshine Memories said...

What an adorable project! Just in time to cheer us all up either from the blahs of winter - of the trials and tribulation of parenthood. Know this though - if you tick them off that bad and still don't cave - you're doing a fantastic job, mom! Keep it up. :D

AndreaA said...

Being the "wersted" Mom.....means you are doing something right.
My boys 34 and 39 are NOW happy that I was a "wersted " Nom

Charlene Merrick (LilLuvsStampin) said...

Wersed also spells Sweedr in Ben vernacular, so he probably meant you're the "sweetest" mom in the world!! LOL! I bet you're one of the bestest moms in the world! Thanks for the chuckle, Camster!

Sylvia said...

Hopefully, writing it down made him feel better! I am a mother of four grown children. It doesn't get easier, the feelings get more pronounced, but God gets us through what we need to get through. Next time you need some help, send me an e-mail. I live in Round Rock and I would be glad to help! Believe it or not I do wonders with boys!

Melissa said...

Awwwww....this made me smile. Must mean you are doing a great job! Keep being the 'wersed mom', he'll thank you for it one day! ;-)

Cookielady said...

Ahh, don't take it too hard. They do that just to push our buttons. I'm terrible because when they do that too me I tell them how bad they made me feel until they are really sad about it. Needless to say it doesn't happen much around my house, but I know the right thing is to ignore it. Good luck!

Rebecca said...

I would be crushed. I'm a new mom of an 8 month old and think I would cry if I got that letter when Brooklyn grows up. I never wrote something like that to my mom either. Is this what I have to look forward to? Eek.

DKinder said...

If you're the wersed mom, that means your are probably doing something right! Great gift idea.

Brenda Ferguson said...

So cute!!

Tanja said...

Okay, Ben is ADORABLE! I love the note. I'm a reading specialist and am SO excited that your child is a writer :). Talk about writing for real reasons. I would love to share this in an inservice if you would give me permission. BTW, great job on spelling universe!