Thank you all
so much for your support and prayers over the past week. I am in Pennsylvania now with my family. The services for my grandmother were yesterday and the day was absolutely beautiful---a true celebration of her life. I know she was smiling down on us. Your notes, emails, and messages have touched my heart so much. I am really overwhelmed.
Please know that I am so grateful.I have a few cards/projects and stuff to share with you during the next few weeks here (
while I am away!) Also, I am really excited to be traveling to Chicago next week for a Copic certification course and CHA! I will be sure to share LOTS of pictures!
For now, I want to show you a gift I received from my father-in-law before I left for my trip. (
Pardon the mess in my stamp room---nothing is unpacked and put away yet as we left right after moving in!)
My father in law took pity on my work space after one of his visits in our old house. After he found out I would be having my very own stamp room in the new house---he set to work creating a dream workspace for me. I am absolutely floored...
Here is a picture of the main desk. You can see the sewing machine that is housed in the main compartment of the desk. The front panels can be unlocked and the sewing machine accessed on the right and a rolling cart is on the left (that can be rolled out when I want to sit and work at the desk.
There is a panel on the back of the desk that can be pulled up to create a
MASSIVE workspace (
I will be sure to take pictures of that when I return!)

Here is a top view of the encased sewing machine. The machine is on a lift system inside the when I want to use it, I just lift the panel, push down on the machine and it will lift up to be able to work on the desktop. There is another panel that you slide on at that point that creates a flush service around the machine. When you are done sewing, you can remove the panel, push the machine down and it locks into place.
Very cool!

Here is a side cart that is a locked cabinet with huge drawers--where I can store scissors, cardstock, coloring tools and things I don't want my children to have easy access to. My father in law created a mini version of this which is housed inside the desk on the left hand side.

Here is a photo of the cabinet open so you can see the huge drawer space.

Cool, eh? (giggle!
That one was for my Canadian friends!)
I will be back soon with a card to share. Once again, thanks for all of your prayers and for sticking with me. HUGE HUGS!
Thanks for stopping by!

Welcome back Carolyn. I'm glad to hear the service we nice. I'm sure she was looking down on all of you and listening to all your kind words.
Your new desk is AWESOME! Love the sewing machine contraption!!
Have fun next week in Chicago!
Hi Carolyn! My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your grandmother. I loved the picture you posted.
Your new workspase is amazing! You deserve it. I can't wait to see pictures of your crafting space when it's complete!
Safe travels,
Renée in Montana (eh?)
Hi Carolyn, I'm so sorry to hear your Grandmother passed away....Big Hug!! The photo in the post below of you and your Grandmother is Lovely.
Wow!! that is a Fantastic desk your FIL built. What wonderful ideas he designed into it...Hmm think I'll have to show my hubby!!
Hi Cammie!!!! Glad to hear you are doing fine! I love your desk your FIL is awesome! Have fun in the Copic course and tell us about it when you get back. Relax, have fun, be safe and blessings to you and your family.
Hey Cammie! :) You've had so much going on lately! Hang in there, girl!
I love the sewing cabinet! How handy! :) Hope to see you in Chicago! I'm going to a Copic Certification class too! :)
I'm glad that your grandmother's service was nice. I'm envious that you get to go to's something I've never done but it sounds like it would be SO fun. I'm sure you'll have a great time. Be sure to report back to us on all the hot new items you see. ;)
I LOVE the desk/workspace system that your FIL made for you -- he must think you're pretty special. ;) And he must be quite a guy! You're very blessed. He did a wonderful job, and I like the locking cabinets. Aside from keeping the kids out, you can hide your new supplies (not sayin' you need to -- I'm just sayin'... lol).
Hey Carolyn it's nice to hear from you - glad you're hanging in there ok. Your desk is amazing!! And so cool about Copic class & CHA - so once you're Copic certified, how about doing a little class for your fellow central-Texas blog friends?? ;-) (please don't roll your eyes TOO much, I do realize how much you have on your plate right now, I was only joking) (sort of) ;-)
Big Hugs Carolyn!! Your new space is awesome and I am sure your fil is proud to have his creation for all to see!! : ) Can't wait to meet up with you...
Glad to hear the service was so nice and that your family is doing ok.
The desk is amazing! YOur FIL is quite the talented guy.
Take care,
Hi Carolyn! Glad to hear to funeral was beautiful! It is never easy...
You new desk is just simply amazing! It is very cool indeed eh!! Thanks for sharing! You sure have a nice father in law!
Have fun in Chicago!!
Glad to hear the service and day was wonderful. May fond memories of her forever linger in your heart :)
Cool work space and coodose (sp?) to your FIL!! What a wonderful place to be able to come back to and work from. Look forward to seeing your creations and more of that wonderful desk. Blessings.
My goodness...that cabinet is a beautiful work of art made with SO much love! Just, wow!
Hi Carolyn! Glad to hear from you..been thinking of you. Glad to hear the service was nice.
That desk is amazing. What an awesome surprise!
{{hugs} from PA!
Thanks for checking in! I've wondered how things were going. What an AWESOME FIL! This is absolutely perfect and so neat that he thought of it by himself! Very very cool!!! TFS
Glad you're back. Wowza! That desk is awesome. Have fun at the copics class.
My condolences to you and your family. WOW! That desk...he put a lot of time into making it "custom"...what a wonderful guy!
I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma(I'm a little behind), my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!
Love the desk what an awesome FIL!! The sewing machine hide away ai fabulous!!
OH WOW, Cammie!!! That is so awesome!!! What a terrific, wonderful, caring father-in-law you have. I'm so glad you have such a great stamping room. I can't wait to see the rest of it.
Enjoy the rest of your vacation, and have fun in Chicago.
I'm glad the services were so special, and I'm certain your grandmother was there with you, and will be with you often for the rest of your life. That desk is fabulous! What a nice FIL you have! See you soon, friend! Oh, and I do have a little something about you in the post I'm putting on my blog today. Hope you don't mind... :}
very cool desk. Have a great time at the copic class. sorry to hear about your grandma
Wow Cammie!! I love it! Thanks for sharing! Jessie
Holy cats! He's a genious!
I am glad it was a nice service, I am sure she WAS smiling down on you all! Your new desk ROCKS!!! WOW! How cool, can't wait to see the pic of it all extended! Have a great time at CHA - take a look at the BMS booth, you will see my stuff there! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
Wow, what a wonderful gift! You are truly blessed to have such wonderful family! I'm glad you are back and the service was beautiful. Now you can look forward to your Chicago trip! Have a fantastic time!
Welcome back Cammie. You've been in my thoughts and glad the service was nice.
Love your new desk and can't wait to see it with all your stuff - have fun putting it together!
Welcome back Cammie! I am so glad to hear that your grandmothers service was nice.
Your new workspace is amazing!! I cannot wait to get my own stamping space! :)
i am glad u had a gr8 da for the funeral yor grandma i am shur iz waching ovr u and yor famle wen u get that nise worm feling arownd u remembr that it iz grandma giveing u a hug wen u lest xspect it
u have a fil that luvs u so vare much the desk spase he has made for u iz beuteful u can tel that he is vare prowd of u and that u r vare prowd of him
thanx for shareing with us and remembr it iz a gr8 da to be a live
hugs and kisses
How nice to hear the service for your beloved Grandmother went smoothly and was comforting to you and the family.
Your FIL sounds like a dear man. He is a sweet heart to make the two pieces of furniture for your stamp room.
Very nice! :)
That is a GREAT FIL....he sounds like a KEEPER!
My condolences on your grandmother.
OMGosh you're back. Yeah...we missed you. I'm glad to hear that the service went well.
Your desk is Awesome, way cool, OMgosh I am soooo jealous ;)
I love the sewing machine pushing into the desk, that's so great!!
I'm so glad you were able to find some peace and celebrate your grandmother's wonderful life!! And what a FABulous gift from your's truly a work of art......for a beautifully talented and giving artist!!!! Safe travels and DO share about that Copic Certification!!!!
Glad you had a nice day for your grandmother's service. The workspace your FIL built for you is awesome. Will look forward to more pictures. Have a great time at your Copic certification.
JoAnn B.
Wow that was so nice of him.
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother, be strong & my condolences to you & your family. Extra hugs to you my friend!
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